Discover the world of our innovative soilless cultivation.Start your soilless garden today and enjoy the freedom to cultivate in any space. Let’s grow together!



Discover the world of our innovative soilless cultivation.Start your soilless garden today and enjoy the freedom to cultivate in any space. Let’s grow together!

International Geneva Invention Award Winner (2024)

International Geneva Invention Award Winner (2024)

Il sistema di coltivazione MEAPLANT ha ricevuto importanti riconoscimenti all'Esposizione delle Invenzioni di Ginevra del 2024 per il suo impatto innovativo in agricoltura. La Giuria internazionale, composta da 102 esperti, ha assegnato i seguenti premi per l’importante innovazione raggiunta: Il prestigioso premio speciale della Delegazione Italiana, consegnato dal Dott. Stefano LORENZONI, rappresentante per l'Italia; la medaglia d'oro con encomio per il settore agricoltura; la medaglia d’oro del Gran Prix International Eiffel consegnata dal presidente della Federazione francese degli inventori (EFI) , Gèrard Roquillon.

About Us

MEAPLANT INNOVATION is revolutionizing agriculture with cutting-edge soilless cultivation techniques.

MEAPLANT INNOVATION is a kit for growing plants in which the soil is replaced by an innovative substrate made up of a mesh of threads made with materials for use food. Edible plants and even Idrofobici e chimicamente inerti

This new technology is patented in many countries: Europe, USA, China, India, Australia, Emarati Arabi …, allowing for an environmentally sustainable cultivation system, autonomously, which can be used by everyone everywhere.
The kit is modular and it is composed of channels, supports, an irrigation system, a tank and a pump for recirculating of the nutrient solution. Accessories for customized models are also available.

The KIT is mainly intended for all those who wish to have their own vegetable garden on the terrace, on the balcony, in urban spaces, as well as in the countryside. It can also be composed into large cultivation spaces by connecting multiple modules together. With our system, it will be simple and fun to grow in a small space, without soil, without effort, and without giving up your free time. You will finally be able to grow safely without the use offitofarmaci and eat fresh, tasty, and vitamin-rich vegetables.

Nel report del WIPO sull’agricoltura degli ultimi 20 anni, pubblicato a settembre 2024, Meaplant innovation è stata scelta come protagonista dell’innovazione mondiale nell’ agrifood.
Our Solutions

Expert Guidance for Soilless Cultivation

Efficiency logo


Our systems are designed to optimize the use of space and water, ensuring water savings up to 90%

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Sustainability - Carbon Footprint

By eliminating the need for soil, reducing water usage, Our cultivation methods promote sustainable agriculture practices that are gentle on the environment.

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(Life Cycle Assessment)

quality icon


Production rich in vitamins and antioxidants

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Innovation is key to ensuring access to water, food and income in the face of climate change. “Every drop counts”: MEAPLANT INNOVATION maximizes resource efficiency and resilience in agriculture.


Il World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) ha riconosciuto Meaplant innovation un sistema di coltivazione sostenibile definendola:

An innovation that is aligned with the objectives of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Why Choose Us

Soilless Cultivation Experts You Can Trust

Expertise: Backed by years of research and development, our team of experts is dedicated to delivering cutting-edge solutions that deliver results.

Video Presentation

Innovation presented to the City of Science and Industry of Paris in 2019

Caterina ALLERA Biologist

Team R&D

Enrico Masella Engineer

Team R&D

Thierry PERINETTO   Manager

Team R&D


General Questions

Yes compared to traditional intensive cultivation. Our system is made of recyclable materials, it recycles water and mineral salts without dispersing fertilizers into the environment. It avoids the salinization of the land, the pollution of water resources and does not cause the eutrophication of surface waters. It is low cost because it does not require complex technologies.