La Dott.ssa Caterina ALLERA, nella sua esperienza come ricercatrice nel campo delle coltivazioni fuori suolo presso il CREA (Consiglio Italiano per la Ricerca in Agricoltura), ha esplorato diverse tecniche di coltivazione in substrati naturali e artificiali che risultano di grande interesse per la loro maggiore produttività rispetto a coltivazioni tradizionali.
The result of her research led her to consider that the complexity of using these cultivation systems is essentially due to the interaction between the cultivation substrate and the nutrient solution supplied to the plants.
I substrati attualmente utilizzati trattengono l’acqua ed i sali minerali che si concentrano nella matrice porosa; l’ alta concentrazione di sali a livello radicale è
molto dannosa per la pianta ed è quindi importante compiere una serie di complessi controlli per impedire danni alle coltivazioni. Inoltre la matrice porosa favorisce la formazione di malattie fungine che comportano l’utilizzo di impianti di sterilizzazione.
Da queste considerazioni è nata l’idea alla base dell’innovazione MEAPLANT, quella di immaginare un substrato di coltivazione capace di trattenere la soluzione nutritiva sotto forma di gocce senza assorbirle al suo interno ed eliminando così la complessità delle tecniche di coltivazione fuori suolo in substrato, attualmente utilizzate. .
Come creare un substrato in grado di trattenere l’acqua senza assorbirla? L’ispirazione delle gocce d’acqua sospese dopo la pioggia sulla tele del ragno ha fornito la soluzione: così è nato il nuovo substrato di MEAPLANT Innovation.
Biologa ricercatrice
The complexity of Nature in simplicity of MEAPLANT INNOVATION
The drops of water, supplied by an irrigation system, are suspended on a lattice of threads forming our innovative cultivation substrate, as you can look on a spider’web after the rain. The drops are completely available for the plant’ roots without accumulation of mineral salts inside the substrate.
MEAPLANT INNOVATION is the only system that allows you to cultivate a real vegetable garden for everyone, everywhere, due to its simplicity of use: it is only necessary to periodically add water and mineral salts into the tank and turn on the irrigation timer, without any particular checks and wait for the plant growth. MEAPLANT can also be an important solution to guarantee food safety in arid areas, with water scarcity and also in large metropolises due to their vulnerability in case of emergency.
Many phenomena in Nature involve trapped drops of water: the formation of dew drops on a spider’s web, the capture of drops of water on the spines of cacti or the movement of droplets on plant fibres. These phenomena have been studied and explored for various technological applications: from microfluidics for medical and electronic equipment, to harvest nets of the water drops from fog in the desert areas. MEAPLANT’s innovation for the first time in history has applied these physical principles to make soilless cultivation simple, efficient and suitable for everyone.
Our growing substrate is made up of a network of hydrophobic and chemically inert substances. The drops of water and mineral salts, fed by an irrigation system, remain suspended on the wires thanks to the balance established between the surface tension of the drops and their weight.
the videos below show how the drops supplied by an irrigation system are captured by a mesh of interwoven threads as happens in our growing substrate. When the drops increase in mass and become greater than the surface tension resistance force, they precipitate inside the tank.
Flow Science is based in Santa Fe, New Mexico USA – Inc. 683 Harkle Road.
Many phenomena in Nature involve trapped drops of water: the formation of dew drops on a spider’s web, the capture of drops of water on the spines of cacti or the movement of droplets on plant fibres. These phenomena have been studied and explored for various technological applications: from microfluidics for medical and electronic equipment, to harvest nets of the water drops from fog in the desert areas. MEAPLANT’s innovation for the first time in history has applied these physical principles to make soilless cultivation simple, efficient and suitable for everyone.
Our cultivation substrate is made up of a mesh of threads made with materials for food use which are hydrophobic and chemically inert.
The drops of water and mineral salts, supplied by an irrigation system, remain suspended on the threads for the balance that it is established between the surface tension of the drops and their weight.
The videos below show how the drops supplied by an irrigation system are captured by a mesh of interwoven threads as happens in our growing substrate. When the drops increase in mass and become greater than the surface tension resistance force, they precipitate inside the tank.
Diagram of the equilibrium forces.
Simulation Acknowledgements: Simulation result courtesy of Flow Science, Inc., developer of the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software, FLOW-3D® ( Flow Science is based in Santa Fe, New Mexico USA – Inc. 683 Harkle Road.